Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 3 - Tagging

Ahhh, social bookmarking. You are delicious and wild.

Oh god, I didn't mean to make that pun. I'm sorry.

Anyway, social bookmarking has never been something I've been terribly into simply because, y'know, I have a bookmark folder in Firefox (and Safari, now. Whee, Mac!). But for KRL, social bookmarking could be a nifty tool.

In particular, I'm thinking of a service where patrons could tag a book in a database, and other users could search via tags for whatever interests them. It'd work better than subject searches, which can be a tad vague and and arbitrary in my experience.

You can view the sites I tagged for today at (I should add that link to the blog, actually...), but to be honest all of them are just sites I visit semi-regularly, and my tastes are, well, a bit out of the ordinary. Sumo is just about the only sport I follow (I'd follow cricket if the dang TV would freakin' show it over here), I read science blogs like popcorn (now there's a metaphor that just doesn't fly), and I'm using PortableApps version of Firefox to post this very blog entry because I can't stand Internet Explorer.

But hey, someone might find it interesting. That's kinda the point, innit?

1 comment:

kd said...

There are other ways to keep up with cricket, Erol. Read an online Indian or South African newspaper.