Thursday, December 20, 2007

Week 9 - Youtube

For those of you having trouble finding the video I helped put together.

I dare say this demonstrates my familiarity with Youtube, eh?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Week 7/8 - LibraryThing

Oh for crying out loud. Why did you have to link this? WHY. Now I'm addicted. ;___;

At first I thought I was going to be put off by the whole "you have to pay if you want to catalog more than 200 books" thing, but having added stuff to my catalog I can see that I'm in no danger of running out anytime soon.

My only complaint is that properly adding and tagging books can be a bit time-consuming, especially when LibraryThing's servers decide to be absurdly slow.

Now to finish off this entry and work on getting the widget into my sidebar....